Saturday 13 April 2019

Now Parenting: Week 43

Sunday: Woke up after 6am, so six hours sleep. With Alexandra for over an hour, crashed at 8:30am for another hour. Then breakfast with everyone, and eventually grading before 11am. Back with others before 12:30am, including lunch, with Alexandra for an hour from 1pm, then dealing with curtains in her room. Back to grading before 2:30pm. Then needed after 3pm as little one wakes up; with her for over two hours including call home (and ripping tissues). Back to grading for half an hour, dinner before 6pm. Making dinner, fussing after 7pm, went for a run, grading again before 8pm. Finally try to do some review work after 10:30pm, but fussing, and a half hour doesn't fix things. To bed after 12:30am.
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Monday: Woke to alarm clock, don't remember last time that happened; also left shoulder pain is worse. Got little one dressed, got myself ready, breakfast, and to school - no busses, freezing rain earlier. So not standard (classes of 2, 2 and 6). Picked up some Stargate and groceries, home by 4:30pm - and no snooze for little one. So immediately into snooze until 5:20, then some back and forth, but largely with me. Including dance party to radio for about 20 minutes after 6pm. Dinner 6:45pm and bed routine; needed settling after 8pm. Downstairs before 11pm.

Tuesday: Woke after six hours, but dozed to 6:30am. With Alexandra for over half an hour from 7am, she got into videotapes so I gave her blocks instead. To school by 8am in snow, standard school with some help at lunch. Home by 4pm, made two snowmen for Alexandra to look at; they got home and went to snooze as I shovelled. (They were at library in the morning too.) Then half hour nap for me too, and with little one for over an hour. Dinner 6:30pm, and routine. Some fussing before 8pm, amid grading, then asleep; needs a change before 10pm but Mommy gets her sleeping again. Downstairs 10:30pm.

Wednesday: I just sleep for six hours now. Grading at 5am, with little one for about 20 minutes after 7am, day prep and breakfast, to school. Standard school, some help at the end. Home after 4:15pm (my snowmen were DOA), with Alexandra for over an hour and a half after 4:30; she did not want to be put on the floor, she wanted walking/carrying. Dinner and routine around 6:15pm. Bit of fussing after 8:30pm. Then would not settle down from 9:50pm, went through two bottles, practically crying myself to sleep at 10:30pm out of exhaustion.

Thursday: Awake 4:30am because of course less than six hours sleep; kind of snared my 45 minutes back after. (Dream of a property line dividing lush and colourful from gloomy, and there's an orc.) Bit of review work, little one sleeps through to 7:30am, so only with her briefly before school. Standardish, but lockdown drill and duty at lunch. Tired after it all. Big smile from Alexandra when arriving home after 5pm helps. With her for half an hour, then some back and forth until dinner at 6:15pm. Bed routine, taking turns, after I'm in before 9pm she's quiet (well, self-soothing) until after 10:30pm when I go downstairs.

Friday: Awake after six hours, of course. Some editing work, with Alexandra for half an hour from 7am, then prep and breakfast and leave after 8:15 - to a close school for PD. Three sessions through the day (Debates, Social justice and the Data Summative) with a snack break. Home after 3:30pm, with Alexandra for an hour, then crashed hard for at least half an hour. Dinner by 5:45pm, then routine, trading off the whines. Reorganized freezer after food delivery and did dishes. Downstairs before 10pm. Crying at 10:30, Mom tried; crying at 11:15, Dad tried with change and bottle; all gave up by midnight.

Saturday: Awake before 6am, got a few things done, with Alexandra for 3.5 hours after 7am, including standard snooze. Little one even let me do grading for a couple half hours as she wandered the living room. Then breakfast, and off to consignment sale and Parent/Child expo. Home 2:30pm and I basically pass out. An hour of sleep and off for a run, back with little one from 4:45pm. Dinner at 5:15pm as things get fussy, so longer bath. Watch candidate videos in evening. Downstairs 10:30pm. Aaaand then upstairs before 11pm, almost 45 minutes, for a change a bottle and a soothe.

Item counts run Sunday (Apr 7) to Saturday (Apr 13).

Step Count 2017: About 53,500 (22 stars)
Step Count 2018: Over 61,650 (15 stars)
STEP COUNT 2019: Over 63,500. 11 stars.

FROM 2017:
-Lots of writing/art: math serial and bible, T&T edits.
FROM 2018:
-Caught up in grading prior to reports, out with A-L.

SchoolMail 2017: 54 (2 sent)
SchoolMail 2018: 145 (21 sent)
SCHOOL EMAIL 2019: 106 New (17 sent)
Now at DAY 142 -2(tornado,storm). (Includes 4 PD Days.)
 Now five "snow days" (+1 true).

 -Finished grading 4U tests
 -Went over 3U quizzes (both classes)
 -Revised exponential quiz & test
 -Grading of 4U spreadsheets
 -Started a review for discrete
 -Started grading 3U tests
 -Started grading other 3U tests

 -Thursday Comic Tea Party chat
 -"Steins;Gate" review/screencaps for episode 13.
 -"Steins;Gate" review/screencaps for episode 14.

 -Parent/Child Expo on Sat
 -Research & Videos for 17 candidate By-Election
 -Lotus Prince's "Deus Ex the Fall" (Parts 7-end)
 -Lotus Prince's "Policenauts" (Parts 1-4)

 -Election, Trip home (Easter)

 -Recap for CanCon 2018
 -Write a TANDQ article on Polling and Bias
 -Write a post about types of praise/encouragement
 -Catching up with web serials/comics (from ~May 2018)
 -Read some of the books sitting at my desk

RH Stress Level: 4 (Accel Shooter)

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