Sunday 10 March 2019

Now Parenting: Week 38

Sunday: Everyone slept over six hours (I woke 6:30am). Alexandra rolled on her front after coming into bed(!). With her for an hour before 8am. Breakfast, then swim class - she's now a starfish! Then weighed, and home for nail cutting as she sleeps. Grading, then over an hour with Alexandra including snooze, more grading, another snooze, calling parents, grading... dinner about 6:30pm. In bed an hour later, some fussing almost an hour after that. But then totally quiet during more grading; went downstairs after 11pm.
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Monday: Awake in the night, then at 6:30am. With Alexandra for not quite half an hour from 7am, breakfast, and back to standard school - with extra help at lunch and the end. Home by 4:30pm, some back and forth once Alexandra was awake (and fussy for some reason - tried the sauna). Out to dinner at Works by 5:30pm, home after 6:30pm for dinner and bath. Some early fussing, then fine until after 10pm. Issues; downstairs after 11pm.

Tuesday: Awake after 6:30am, no real time with Alexandra, getting set for school and still dealing with flu. Standard school, with staff meeting after. Home around 5:15pm, Alexandra just waking up from no snooze in the afternoon. Had a little over a half hour before dinner around 6:15pm. Lots of laughs in bath as I made noises. Some fussing after 8pm. I'm downstairs after 10pm.

Wednesday: Awake 6am; with Alexandra for an hour from 6:30, including opening St. Patrick's Day package from Mom. To school, lunch duty (had swapped), extra help after school, so really no time for things. Stopped by store on the way home (fruit for group), arrived 5pm, quick turnaround (lack of nap), at Group from 5:30-7pm but it went very well. (She spit up in the baby toys, but was the only young one there.) Home 7:30pm, french story and bed; some fussing before 9pm. Downstairs 10:30pm.

Thursday: Awake 5:30am for some grading. With Alexandra for a little over half an hour after 6:30am. To school, lunch duty, extra help after, so like day before. Home about 5:30pm, with Alexandra for a half hour again, dinner after 6pm. Some difficulty settling her in crib before 7:30pm, then some fussing about 9pm, otherwise fine. I run out of steam about 10:30pm.

Friday: Upstairs at 3am for cries, but she just really wanted bottle. Awake again after 5:30am, but sort of slept again; with Alexandra for half an hour after verging on 7am. To school, anime club at lunch, then much prep work to deal with my departure. Home before 6pm, some time with munchkin before dinner at 6:15pm. To bed with a bit of fussing before/after 8pm, then dishes and packing. Downstairs around 11:30pm.

Saturday: Awake 6am and with Alexandra for ~100 minutes. Breakfast and more prep/packing, eventually lunch. Left 1:15pm, busses to train station, left there on bus about 2:30pm, and Alexandra snoozed for almost an hour in my arms. Airport, checked in, met coworker who was also flying overseas; remarked on nose, not eyes. Got stroller check in at the gate before an earlier boarding (post-change). On departing aircraft by 6pm, got special life jacket and penguin package. Also seat belt that loops with ours. Crying over dinner, I think partly strangeness and partly continuous light. Bassinet was a hit though, and asleep after a little walk past 8pm - or on France time, 2am.

Item counts run Sunday (Mar 3) to Saturday (Mar 9).

Step Count 2017: About 52,000
Step Count 2018: Over 66,700 (16 stars).
STEP COUNT 2019: Over 74,000. 9 stars.

FROM 2017:
-Holding pattern, the more caught up I was, the less productive I was.
FROM 2018:
-Caught up with school (minus tests); had Nanoha and hockey game.

SchoolMail 2017: 56 (2 sent)
SchoolMail 2018: 88 (14 sent)
SCHOOL EMAIL 2019: 96 New (28 sent)
Now at DAY 122 -2(tornado,storm). (Includes 3 PD Days.)
 Now four "snow days" (+1 true).

 -Finished 4U tests and progress reports
 -Recorded 3U quizzes
 -Two sets of 3U progress reports
 -Staff Meeting Tues
 -Adjusted 4U quiz and gave feedback
 -Started work on 3U tasks
 -Prepared work to leave for paid day

 -"Steins;Gate" Screencap/OP notes for 4&5.

 -Swim class Sunday
 -Dad playgroup Wed (7 of us there).
 -Lotus Prince's "Deus Ex: Human Revolution" (Part 13-22)

 -Lots of 3U grading. In France.

 -Recap for CanCon 2018
 -Write a TANDQ article on Polling and Bias
 -Write a post about types of praise/encouragement
 -Catching up with web serials/comics (from ~May 2018)
 -Read some of the books sitting at my desk

RH Stress Level: 6 (Break Shoot)

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