Saturday 6 October 2018

Now Parenting: Week 16

After bottle ended about 10am, tried to find a snooze; succeeded for about five minutes but once she was in the playpen, no dice. Took Alexandra for a walk at 2:15pm, not a long one; back to Mom before 3:45pm and then shopping. After 7pm bath, she stayed with Mom. Bath (in our bathtub) had casualties: My pants split, and Anne-Lise jammed her toe into the door. Also the jets wouldn't not activate. Bedtime was more sedate. Turned on the heat.
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Monday, up 6:50am. Teaching, where I felt like I was answering questions I'd already answered before, Cappies issues, and not home until after 1:30pm. Birth certificate had arrived, so out for passport photo. Had munchkin for about 90 minutes after 6:30pm, back to grading and miscellaneous. Alexandra started fussing before 10pm, so bottle, two diaper changes, a spitup, and change of all bed apparel later it's after 10:30pm. With passport stuff still to do, so not in bed until 1am.

Tuesday was a whirlwind of teaching, prep, grading, on call, ALP, staff meeting and then getting home after 5pm. (Meanwhile, the duo went to Anne-Lise's work and to the passport office.) Time with wee one from 5:20pm to 7:05pm, the last hour plus just trying to get her to fall asleep (it wasn't happening despite her wanting it). Then dinner and finally some time to myself. Into bed at 11pm. Alexandra joined us in bed a little before 6am, I was basically up then.

Teaching evaluation, teaching that got borked, running around before leaving for Cappies training, training (hey, Matt Minter had a kid a day after us) which wrapped up after 2:30pm, then some stops on the way home through traffic, arriving after 4:30pm. (Anne-Lise had movie out.) Then lunch? Or dinner, I guess? Then break, and grading, though had munchkin for large chunk of 8-9pm. In bed before midnight. Up before 4am, as Alexandra had a big spitup (actually second outfit of the night). Couldn't get back to sleep, a bit before 5am went to do things. More crying at 5:30am.

Left for school just after 7am. Printed assignments, teaching, Cappies meeting, anime club, dry cleaning and back home for 1pm. With little one from 1-2pm and 2:30-3:45pm, got maybe 10 minutes of sleep. (20 minute snooze by her after I got an extra star running her engine down.) Dealt with burned out lights. Thought of lying down at 5:30pm shattered by tired Alexandra wails. Went for a drive from 6pm to 7:15pm; no snooze but no wails. Dinner, comic chat, final bottle and I was OUT from 10:20 to 4:20am when she was vocal about bottle again. Then a bit more sleep.

Friday, PD Day, like normal but to library for 8:30am. Es gave a great math presentation, I attempted an email followup about my puzzles, handled quizzes during lunch, back home with stops for food and lightbulbs. Alexandra's been turning over more lately! Heading to train station before 2:30pm; Alexandra falls asleep en route, we wait in the parking lot until she wakes up before 3:15pm. On to THANKSGIVING.

Train ride is pretty smooth! Interested at start, bit cranky, settles down after a change and a bottle, asleep after some music. Then repeat the cycle (minus change), asleep in car seat outside Oshawa. Wakes up en route to Nick's car. Nice dinner with him and Cynthia, except Alexandra doesn't fall back asleep until after 9:30pm in the k'tan. Bottle after 10:15pm, not out of Toronto until closer to 11pm. Into playpen/crib at grandparents' just before midnight. She's not thrilled, but is tired enough when it's dark, with the white noise machine. These may not be blackout curtains. Huh.

Asleepish, then restless just after 1am, but from then on, slept until 4:45am. (Meanwhile, cat paid a visit, jumping on the bed at 2am-something.) Anne-Lise just took Alexandra next door afterwards, slept from there. I woke up briefly around 5:30am, then for good just after 7:30am. Talked to grandma, back upstairs, all having breakfast for 9am, and birthday muffins for Anne-Lise. Out to Davina's before 10:15am. Half hour snooze, some breast upon arrival, managed a couple snoozes later and grandma read in there. Wee one can't snooze around other people, she needs quiet. (Apparently her Dad needed a 20 minute snooze too.)

Dinner went well after 5pm, had soup, gave Alexandra a bottle as mom had soup, did a change, then K'tan for the remaining time. Asleep for pie. Awake when departing, asleep for drive, awake for 8pm arrival, asleep during hockey. Went for a run, saw a wild bunny down on Lane Crt. Bottle before 10pm when she woke up, sleep fail (though Flames scored), another attempt at 10:30pm. Always something.

Item counts run Sunday (Sept 30) to Saturday (Oct 6).

Step Count 2016: About 55,800
Step Count 2017: Over 60,000 (16 stars).
STEP COUNT 2018: Over 65,250. 11 stars.

FROM 2016:
-Writing motivation stalled, car broke down, went to AFEMO french math conference.
FROM 2017:
-School ratcheted my stress to 8, in Ink & Insights Top 10, took a plane home.

SchoolMail 2016: 61 (2 sent)
SchoolMail 2017: 216 (24 sent)
SCHOOL EMAIL 2018: 152 New (29 sent)
We have completed DAY 24-1. (Includes PD Day.)

 -Finished grading 3M Tests
 -Staff Meeting Tues
 -COMA Debrief Minutes
 -Cappies Training Session
 -Other Cappies Headaches (forms, cheque)
 -Annual Learning Plan and A&E Submissions
 -Readjusted 3M to match planned unit

 -Finished other half of "Chanced Erasures 7"
 -Weeklong Bookclub (time travel comic)
 -Thursday Comic Tea Party Chat
 -Recap for Math Social 2019

 -4.5 hour train trip with Alexandra
 -Dinner with relatives Friday
 -Saturday Thanksgivings
 -Linkara's LP of Star Trek: 25th Anniversary.

 -Trip home, Progress Reports, CanCon

 -Write a TANDQ article on Polling and Bias
 -Write a post about types of praise/encouragement
 -Catching up with web serials
 -Read some of the books sitting at my desk

RH Stress Level: 7 (Starlight Breaker)

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