Saturday 27 August 2016

Not Teaching: Week 8

Normally, next week, I would go into school for a day or two to set up my class, photocopy things, and do all the other necessary stuff that I don’t get paid for. It still hasn’t consciously hit me yet that this won’t happen. In fact, I’ve actually had two dreams in the past week about going in to school. (For one, it was a snowstorm, and I knew I wasn’t teaching but I had to get graph paper there... snow days are a myth.)

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It must have hit my subconscious? There’s still a bunch of recap stuff I need/want to do before Labour Day, and yet I’m still busy editing my Time Travel story. Because I know I have the time for it, and the inclination, and that said desire will likely wane in September as my stats continue a slow slip.

Plus, trip with my wife next month - my poor wife who has worked the equivalent of 14-days out of the last 14 days (with Saturdays off). I’m getting better at cooking. Incidentally, I give up on the roof; it’s apparently not going to collapse, so whatever.

Item counts run Sunday (August 21) to Saturday (August 27).

Step Count: About 51,250.
Sunday and Tuesday were horrible (under 4000, barely went outside). On Wednesday I mowed the lawn and walked to the comic store to buy the latest BTTF comic, so 14,000 steps made up for that.

Writing/Art Related Items (from Sun to Sat):
 -ConBravo recap did go up, five subsequent Q&A posts need edits.
 -Complete rewrite of an old ep in T&T Book 4 (now Parts 78 & 79); Chartreuse is taking over. Then more since - currently playing around in Part 82. Each part is at least 4,000 words. I should probably be more impressed with myself.

Non-Writing Items for the past week:
 -Out with friends on Monday night
 -Mowed lawn and did some weeding
 -Finished “Outlander”! Took 14+ months! (Because there’s little time to read from Sept-June.) Started “This Is Not A Test”, bought at TMC.
 -Yoga Thursday
 -Treated my shears to remove rust
 -Medical stuff online

PROBABLE PROJECTS in the coming week:
 -Catch up with #OttSlowChat on Twitter
 -Finish ConBravo recap edits
 -Post recap about CAN-CON (from Oct 2015)
 -Medical appointment Wednesday
 -Trim the hedges

Jennifer Parker's pretty kick-ass in the BTTF comic.

 -French Citizenship project
 -Post recap about OAME (from May)
 -Post recap about Math PD (from Feb)
 -Do more editing on my T&T story
 -Catch up with web serials I’ve enjoyed
 -Write a TANDQ article on Decision Fatigue
 -Write a post about types of praise/encouragement
 -Organize all the paper clutter from school
 -Organize all the electronic clutter from school
 -Weed through/organize emails
 -Do another Parody Math Video
 -Actually market some of my creative stuff
 -Catch up more on “Bones” (no spoilers past S11.12!)
 -Get back onto tumblr.
 -Read some of the books sitting at my desk

Is anyone actually looking at these posts? If so, come back next week, if you’re so inclined.

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